Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Scoundrel Pixar Sequels?

I freaking like love animation, as any animation lover, of course I am a Pixar devote. Yesterday they announced a new project


Finding Dory

Andrew Stanton is working together with Steven Spielberg to bring to the screen a sequel of Finding Nemo, and at the same time, a sequel of Jaws!

Awesome right?
Naah, just a bad joke of course... "fish are friends, not food", and Pixar artists would have never made such poster...but I'll keep practicing ;) .
Anyway, what's true is that Finding Dory is reaching cinemas on November of 2015... what brings us to the subject: another sequel by Pixar confirmed.

I can already hear the echo of people saying (and by "people" I include myself) is: "They are making it for the money!", "they don't care about creativity anymore", bla, bla, bla. But, is this true? Well about the money, my guess would be that in part yes...  the movie industry is that, an industry, a business, and as in any other there must be a profit. Finding Nemo was a box office success with a worldwide total gross of  $921,743,261 USD*; now, I'm willing to bet finding Dory will make even more than that. But does making money and being mainstream means its a bad movie?

I think not. There is a lot of crap that sells well... but this is not the case of all Hollywood's movies; not all that sells is crap just as not all that sells is good either. 

So in particular how does this sequel sounds to me?

Being honest, I'm happy about it. Of course I would like them to focus all their energy in creating, creating and creating more... but the fact is that we already know that they have three original projects coming soon: The Good Dinosaur, directed by Bob Peterson, the yet untitled movie about the human mind, directed by Pete Docter, and my favorite the (also untitled) movie inspired by the Mexican holiday "Día de los Muertos" (day of the dead), directed by Lee Unkrich. And guess what? All productions need investment... who knows, maybe two of these projects are being financed by the money that sequel Cars 2 made and the merchandise (yes, I am making this up). Or maybe not, but for all I care John Lasseter can use all the revenue from Finding Dory to buy more toys for his office, film makers like to have nice things too, lets give them a break.

Also, it's a fact that with previous sequels the people at this studio have managed  to do a pretty nice job. I don't know about you... but I have trouble picking my favorite Toy Story movie, and if you forced me to do it I would say the third one is the best, yes, Toy Story 3, a filthy sequel. This makes my point: they are all good movies. Ok, yes, the same characters, but with huge growth and the accordingly changes from movie to movie, new good plots, new villains, in all great stories that never lose focus of the evolution that these characters must have. 

Ok, so what about Cars 2? you might ask... Well... to be honest there Pixar didn't had me as interested in the first one as I have been with their other movies. So, (maybe) shame on me... I haven't watched it's sequel; which is of course always an option if you don't feel spending your time and money in Finding Dory, same with Monster's University (I didn't found the trailer so exciting, but for me this one deserves a shot anyway).

So do we mind having a comeback of Dory, maybe Crush (those are the two most memorable characters for me)... and all these little sea creatures we loved so much from Finding Nemo?

I know I don't, in fact I'm pretty excited and I'm 98% sure I'll leave the theater loving Pixar a bit more as they make me do with every movie (yes, except Cars), and probably I'll be repeating forever Finding Dory's lines, as I do with Finding Nemo's.

Now is your turn to make up your mind... what do you think about sequels in general? And about Pixar sequels? Will you go to the cinema to watch Finding Dory?

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